1 fact yang betul2 menarik minat saya untuk menggunaka collagen adalah:
In 5 days: Dry skin become more lubrication!
7th-14th days: Skin become luster and exquisite!
Female breasts start firm and flexible!
In 1st month: Skin begins moisture and whitening! Hair supply then before!Tightening the uterus and vaginal muscles,enhance the sensual lifestyle between husband and wife!
In 2nd month: Looseness skin become more compact! Improve the melanoma of skin, fine lines, spots, scars, stretch mark!
After 3th month: Body Skin shows more whitening, lubricating and shiny!Female breasts become full, tall and straight flexible!
Stronger our bones and strengthen our hair and nails!
Asta collagen provided us not only the outer beauty but also to our health!
It’s suitable for those who suffering from arthritis and back pain.
Asta collagen is the economic product that not only allows you to resume as the teenage girl with “real tight vagina, breast enhancement, and hip-up”. Repair every inch of your body so delicate as a young girls from head to toe.
(* The effect decides by individual physique.
**The pregnant woman, below 12 years old the child and each kind of serious disease patient please consult doctor.)